Latest Music

Girls Just Wanna Have Fun

Lee Neitzel

Release Date 4-23-2024 // This was a very fun one to work on. And, I learned a bit of music trivia while doing it! I flipped some pronouns so that it's a guy singing about a girl. But, then I learned that's actually how the original lyrics went. The song was originally recorded by Robert Hazard in 1979 and then Cyndi popularized it with her

Release Date 4-23-2024 // This was a very fun one to work on. And, I learned a bit of music trivia while doing it! I flipped some pronouns so that it's a guy singing about a girl. But, then I learned that's actually how the original lyrics went. The song was originally recorded by Robert Hazard in 1979 and then Cyndi popularized it with her amazing rendition in 1983. You learn something new every day. :)

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